
Bickleigh Down CofE Primary School

‘Spurring each other on with love’

Year 4

Storm Ciarán Home Learning

Sorry we can't be at school today.  Below, we have put some work that you can access from home. Please do as much as you can.

Hello and welcome back to Year 4 for the Spring Term. We hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year and feel refreshed and ready to learn. 


Here is some information about this term for Year 4:


  • PE will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  As the weather can be a little bit unpredictable during spring, can children please make sure they have PE kit suitable for all weather conditions.
  • Spelling tests will be on a Tuesday – these words can be found in the Home School diary.  Please remember to LOOK, COVER, WRITE, CHECK to help practise.
  • Homework will be given out on a Tuesday, to be returned by the following Tuesday. 


This term, we are looking at Megacities for our Geography topic and understanding what they are and how a city becomes a megacity.  In History, we will be looking at Prehistoric Britain and all the things they did. In Science, we are investigating Sound and Electricity.

In PE, we will be beginning to develop our skills in Tag Rugby and Cricket as well as looking at Dance and Gymnastic skills. Our DT topic this term is Pneumatics where the children will be investigating how air can be used to make something move. In Art, we will be looking at coil and clay pots throughout history and the children will be creating their own. 


In Maths, the children will be looking at Multiplication and Division, Length and Perimeter, Fractions and Decimals. In English, we will be covering poetry, non-fiction writing and fiction writing in the form of myths. To help us with our learning, we will be looking at the books Carry Me Away, Everything You Need to Know About Snakes, Myth Atlas and Everest. 


As always, we are free at the end of the day so feel free to catch us then if you have any questions or queries. 


Many thanks,

Miss Willis and Mrs Hindson

Useful Maths Websites



Here are some links to some of the websites that we use for games and information which may help to practise some of the skills we have been learning in Maths:


Times Tables -


Various maths games including "Hit the button" - Topmarks Education


Curriculum based questions (10 mins free per day as this is a subscription site) -
